Hello kiddies, today I am going to break out my historical knowledge and educate some people who really need it. What has precipitated this is a very disturbing image I took notice to today.
I was driving to go get lunch this evening. Yes, my lunch break is in the evening since I work nights. Anyway, I digress. I drove over to McDonald’s to pick something up really quick. What do I see sitting in the parking lot? 4…yes count them 4 suped up pick up trucks all having 2 confederate flags hanging off the back of the tailgate. Now, I said to myself I wonder if whomever owns those trucks actually understands the significance of those flags. What they truly represent other than the bastardization of them as symbols of being a “redneck.”
The Confederate flag is well-known as a symbol of the confederacy during the Civil War. What most people don’t realize though is that it wasn’t really a symbol at the time. The Confederacy or the South didn’t have a distinctive flag that was flown. A few military groups from southern states used it as a rebel flag but that was few and far between at the time. In time, it did become a symbol of the South and all they were fighting for. Which despite what most people think was not slavery. It was for states rights. They thought that the Federal government didn’t have the right to tell them what to do regarding their property and lands. Unfortunately, slavery fell under the property line of their grievances and hence the focus of the war became slavery.
But, back to the flag. The actual popularity of the flag didn’t actually pick up until WWII when many military units with southern nicknames used it as a symbol. It was even flown in Okinawa after the island was taken by the United States. However, the military rarely used the flag as a symbol after the war. Unfortunately, the cultural significance of the flag is what causes the most uproar. But neither the cultural nor the historical has any reference for those young teenagers driving those trucks. I did finally find out who was driving those trucks. For those teenagers, the flag represents the South (which is interesting enough for another blog considering they are living in Pennsylvania), rebellion, the possible correlation of the flag and the level of redneckness you have and just plain ignorance. These kids have no idea what that symbol is or what it truly represents to people. But, to have two of the large flags flying out of the back of your truck is just plain ridiculous. If only these kids would open a book and educate themselves instead of taking a symbol and making themselves represent what they think it represents. Open up your minds kids. You might be surprised you don’t have to be what you think you ought to be.
Ok…enough of the serious. Onto the second part of my blog. The cool little Versatile blogger award. I wasn’t 100% about this award. Honestly, I think it’s a bit of a made up award, but still an award is an award. But, if everyone gets one isn’t that kinda like the participation awards you used to get in the Science Fair at school. Anyway, I want to thank lightningpen for nominating me. I gladly accept the award no matter the hoops you have to jump through to get it. So, I will follow the rules like a good little award winner/participant and nominate 15 others and tell you 7 very random facts about myself.
So, here are the rules for accepting this award. You have to tell 7 random things about yourself. You have to nominate 15 talented blogs. And finally thank the person that nominated you and include the Versatile Blog Image in your acceptance blog! You can follow this link to get the button to put on your blog: versatilebloggeraward.wordpress.com
Here are 7 random things,
1. I collect porceline dolls (yes the ones you can buy on QVC)
2. I have been in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. Singing and Dancing 🙂
3. I once went to a work conference and instead of attending the actual conference went sight-seeing. They never missed me.
4. I have smacked the back of the head of a theme park mascot.
5. I once forgot to turn my cell phone off in a movie theater.
6. I have been a part of the Oprah book club
7. I believe in Santa Clause 🙂
Now without any more hoopla here are the nominees!
1. http://noseyrosie.wordpress.com
2. http://selena-lost-in-thought.blogspot.com
3. http://caszarekwriter.blogspot.com/
4. http://lesleycarter.wordpress.com
5. http://jodiambroseblog.com
6. http://exlibrisheather.wordpress.com
7. http://emilyguido.com
8. http://prettylittlepinkthings.com
9. http://butimbeautiful.wordpress.com
10. http://chattygirlbookreviews.wordpress.com
11. http://halliechandler.wordpress.com
12. http://mariewetmore.com
13. http://foreveronreading.wordpress.com
14. http://chicklitgoddess.com
15. http://oneanna65.wordpress.com
All of my nominees are accomplished writers and I enjoy their blogs immensely. I love following them and they are very deserving of this award.
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