I promise I will have my author profile for everyone up tonight, but I just need to talk this out. I think everyone has had that one friend who has crossed the line and double crossed you. Some people do this for attention, others for control and others border on mental illness. I will share a story and you can make your own judgement where this person lies.
I am part of a forum where we discuss books, men, sex, our personal lives etc. This is a safe place and everyone on there is on there with the understanding that it is for fun. With this being online you meet people from all over. From Australia to New York to Texas to California to Canada…you get the idea. So we all have different view points and different life experiences. Thats what makes a group like this so awesome. As adults you can have the freedom to discuss, “argue” and gush without it turning into something mean.
Well, today i found out one of the members has been having problems with another member. Normally, I don’t get involved with this. I figure its between those two people and they are adults and will work things out. But, when I heard the extent it went I got really upset. Without going into details and since this is third and fourth hand I will summarize. Apparently one of the members of this group became friends with a couple of the other members. This is not unusual, but the events that happened after the friendship began is what is disturbing. One of the friends became very possessive. She began acting that if she didn’t get her way she would say mean and hurtful things. When that didn’t have the desired effect she began to attack others. She tried to corrupt other members of the group against these persons. I think what was most twisted was that she would send gifts to her friends family and husband. This person would use any and all information contorting it to suit her needs. She even went as far as contacting one of the authors that we all like and telling lies about a few of the members out of jealousy.
Now, I know that was all very vague and I am not using names. But, when I heard that these very sweet and supportive people were under attack from someone who is either not taking her medication or in need of some I couldn’t just stand by and not say anything. So I am using this as my forum to vent about those people we have met in our lives that are just mean. People who double cross, are back-handed and manipulative.
I don’t understand why people treat friendships like toilet paper. They use it then shit on it and flush it down the toilet. I am a very loyal person and take my friendships seriously. People who live with hate in their heart and get their kicks from hurting others don’t deserve to have friends that empathize and care for them on a level they don’t deserve. I experienced a lot of this first hand in High School. The only thing is we aren’t in High School anymore and there is no reason to purposefully hurt someone.
So I ask you do you know people like this?
***To A, N, J, C, S, K and all the other wonderful ladies in IB. I love you all and you all have been supportive and wonderful friends of mine.