Today I am featuring Rachael Wade whose final book in her Resistance Trilogy, The Tragedy of Knowledge. I have read all of her Resistance Trilogy and her book Preservation. She is a great indie author and I would wholeheartedly recommend anything she writes. Be sure to enter her awesome giveaway after my review.
Thank you for stopping by today. I really enjoyed The Tragedy of Knowledge and was sad that this was the last book in the series.
Thanks for having me, Jackie! I’m so glad you enjoyed the end of the series. 🙂
Since this is your last book in the trilogy was it hard coming up with an ending and saying goodbye?
Oddly, no. I knew how I wanted the series to end very early on, before I wrote book 2, so when it came time to write it, I felt ready. The characters were ready. Yet there is always a bittersweet feeling leaving that world behind and saying goodbye to the characters. I really love them like real people, so it was tough. There’s always the chance I might resurrect them in the future though…
I love Gav and Cam. What made you decide to keep this to just a trilogy and not a series? I think you could have definitely made these books into a series.
When I originally came up with the concept for the trilogy, I felt like the main battle, the main plot, could be covered in three books. By the third book, I felt it was enough. However, when I finished the epilogue for the 3rd book, I realized I had an idea to continue the story, so in answer to your question: I think it could continue on as a series as well. 😉 I can’t say much about it yet, though.
Is there a chance we might see a spin-off with any of the other characters?
Yes. There’s a good chance many of the characters will return in a new series that follows the Resistance Trilogy. That won’t happen for quite a while, though. I’ve been super busy with my other series projects, but I’m looking forward to seeing where it all goes. 🙂
Since it’s just us…do you have a favorite and/or least favorite character of yours?
Oh, that’s tough. I love them all, even the villains—especially the villains. Right now, I’d say my favorite character is Jackson, the lead in my upcoming romance, Love and Relativity. He was just so much fun to write. I really adore him. My least favorite would be Gérard. Everything about him boils my blood. He’s so selfish and arrogant.
How did you come up with the world of Amaranth and the ability to become and unbecome a frozen soul?
The concept for the realm entry through the bayou portal and all that came to me while I was visiting the places in the book. I had the opportunity to visit Southern Louisiana before I wrote the series. Then I started to wonder who would go there and why? Why would these ex-vampires be held captive in this realm? Once I played around with those questions, the rest of the concept for vampires-turned-human again sort of evolved from there, and it eventually became the whole focus of the plot.
Who do you envision playing your characters if there was an ever a movie made of your series?
Oh, that’s tough, too. I’ve picked a few actors and models that I think have certain qualities that would work for the characters. You can see my photo picks here. In particular, I think Emma Stone would be absolutely perfect for Audrey.
Can you give us a hint on what you’re working on next?
Right now I’m working on Reservation, a sequel to my contemporary romance, Preservation, which is told from Ryan’s POV. I’m also working on The Keepers Trilogy, a new sci-fi romance series.
Do you have any authors you read that have inspired your writing?
Oh, tons. Cormac McCarthy and Sylvia Plath are two big influences. And contemporary writers like Veronica Roth, E.L. James, and Jennifer Armentrout.
Ok…now I am gonna ask you just a couple of fun/silly questions. Do you have any guilty pleasures?
Celebrity tabloid magazines. It’s awful. I hate buying them because they’re all crap and they only contribute to the media storm that invades these celebrities’ lives, which I really hate. I don’t think just because you’re famous that people should feel entitled to “own” you and expose your private life to the whole world. That makes no sense to me. And yet if I see one of my favorite actors on the cover of one, I have to buy it. *hangs head in shame*
Can you share with me three things that not many people know about you?
Hhhmm, well before I decided to write for a living, I worked as a public speaker for Sea World in the education and conservation department. I was originally planning on working with animals. Sometimes I’m afraid of heights, and I still listen to 90s pop.
Do you have any must-read books that no matter how many times you read them they never get old?
Yes! I can read Jennifer Armentrout’s Lux books over and over, as well as the Fifty Shades Trilogy. They always make me laugh, swoon, and keep me on the edge of my seat.
What is your ultimate dream as a writer?
I guess to see something I’ve written on TV or in a film someday. I don’t care whether it’s a small indie film or a made-for-TV series. It doesn’t have to be huge or anything, although that would be nice, too haha. I just love visual storytelling and I’m a huge movie buff, so seeing something I’ve written translated on screen like that would be a dream come true.
Finally, if you could meet a fictional character from either your books or another author’s books who would it be and why?
That’s a great question! I’d love to meet Tobias (Four) from Veronica Roth’s Divergent series. I have a major book boyfriend crush on him. If I could meet anyone from my books, I’d like to meet Camille. She’s pretty special to me.
Thank you for stopping by today. I’m definitely going to miss the world of Amaranth but am looking forward to what you have coming up next. I’m especially looking forward to the sequel to Preservation.
The Battle Comes Home.
After arranging a hopeful but risky alliance during their visit to the Amaranthian realm, Camille, Gavin, and the resistance don’t have much time to recover from their failed mission. Forced to create a new strategy to achieve their goal, they embark on a different mission—one that possibly holds the missing key to their quest for victory, and their deadliest one yet.
As they attempt round two to restore peace and freedom for their kind, they must rely on help from the living, the bayous, and beyond to decipher allies from enemies, good magic from bad, and whether the source claiming to lead the way to their destiny can be trusted. Racing against the clock to solve the mystery of their fate, they find the battle has come right to their doorstep, and this time, everyone must pay a price.
The Tragedy of Knowledge is the third book in Rachael Wade’s Resistance trilogy. This book picks up right where The Gates left off. Cam is now a frozen soul. They have lost some friends in the resistance and they must keep going to find a way to free the frozen souls and Amaranthians. Cam, Gavin, Audrey, Gabe, Josh and others must find the way to defeat Gerard. Against what seems to be insurmountable odds and new betrayals will the resistance win out?
I loved this book just like the other two. The characters continue to evolve and develop. The love between Cam and Gavin continues to put the pages to flame. Rachael Wade does an incredible job taking us from Louisiana and back to Amaranth. The different take on vampires or frozen souls is unique and really makes this trilogy an intriguing read. It is unique and truly entertaining. Between the characters, the scenery and the emotions that not just The Tragedy of Knowledge and the rest of the trilogy. The Tragedy of Knowledge will have you crying, laughing and being really pissed. I would recommend this series and any of Rachael Wade’s other books.
I’d like to thank Rachael Wade for stopping by today. If you’d like to know more about the Resistance trilogy and The Tragedy of Knowledge you can check them out at Barnes and Noble, Amazon and any other book retailer.
Author Bio:
Rachael Wade is the Amazon #1 bestselling author of the paranormal romance series, The Resistance Trilogy, and the contemporary romance, Preservation. When she’s not writing, she’s busy learning French, watching too many movies, and learning how to conserve wildlife and help fight animal cruelty. Also visit her at Lights ON Outreach, her environmental and humanitarian advocacy blog.
Just leave a comment about what fictional character you’d like to meet in real life. You will be entered to win. Up for grabs: 1 e-book copy set of ALL 3 books in the trilogy, including Amaranth (Book 1), The Gates (Book 2), and The Tragedy of Knowledge (Book 3) in the e-format of the winner’s choice (MOBI, EPUB, or PDF)
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