Another week is beginning and I have another wonderful book for you guys. It’s been snowing all day here. So, what better way to spend it then curled up with a good book. Today’s spotlight is just the kind of entertaining book to curl up with and enjoy. Laurel Osterkamp’s The Holdout is a great mixture of humor, reality and politics. For my full review be sure to keep reading after the book blurb. I hope you all have a wonderful week and like me anticipate the weekend. 🙂
Book Blurb:
Robin wanted to win The Holdout, a cutthroat reality TV show, so she gave it her all, challenge after challenge. Then she fell for Grant, with his irresistible eyes and heartbreaking life story. But Grant was only using Robin as they competed for a million dollars. Once home, Robin wants to hide from the humiliation as episodes of The Holdout are aired, and she worries her family was right all along; she’s not a survivor. Or maybe she’ll have the last laugh Besides, Robin now has jury duty. And as she forges ahead, confronting her demons about bravery, justice, and romance, Robin will come to decide which is more important: the courage to stand alone, or the strength to love again. Laurel Osterkamp’s award winning novels have been hailed as funny, intelligent, snarky and poignant. She is the author of four novels and two novellas, including the November Surprise series, which, like The Holdout, features the Bricker family. Laurel was recently on a federal jury, and she loves watching Survivor.
Robin has always been seen as the low man on the totem pole in her family. She is the actress and viewed as the adult that isn’t really an adult. When she finally gets a real chance at hitting it big by competing on the reality television show she is met with skepticism and ridicule by her brothers and cousins. Robin sets out to prove to all her critics that she is tougher than anyone thinks and very capable. What Robin doesn’t anticipate is during the game being played by one of the players and feeling like a fool. Losing her heart on national television, facing the decisions by watching the episodes and having jury duty while reliving all her humiliations places Robin in a position to change her life or let those holding her back win.
This was a very fun read. I enjoyed Laurel Osterkamp’s previous novel November Surprise and was happy to see my opinion didn’t change with this book. I loved the way that both the reality show and the jury duty were connected and intertwined. In today’s society much of the social outlets have connections to basic structures whether governmental or cultural. This is definitely shown and highlighted in The Holdout. It wasn’t just the connection that made this a fun read. The characters of Robin and Robin’s family really bring depth and understanding to the whole story. Overall, this was another great novel by Laurel Osterkamp. If you like reality tv, jury duty or both you will love The Holdout.
Thanks for the review. I’m so happy you enjoyed The Holdout!