This past Saturday totally rocked when I went to the Indies Invade Philly author signing. 40 plus authors were there signing yours and offering for you to purchase their books. I had a couple of fangirl moments and yes I am a total nerd when it comes to that. I was also lucky enough to have a lot of the authors give me swag to offer to you guys. So, at the end be sure to look at the rafflecopter link and enter for your chance at lots of swag both signed and unsigned.
Fangirl Moments:
Ok…so I am gonna give you little snippets with some pics for your entertainment. First, I got to meet Michelle A. Valentine. She was totally awesome. Also, she signed all of her books for me which consisted of a total of 5. This didn’t please a few of the other fellow fans but cest la vie. You only get to meet most of these authors once and I was definitely not going to lose out on my opportunity. 🙂
Second, I made a bee line over to Tara Sivec. Now, this was my biggest fangirl moment. I love this chick! This is one of the most awesome people I have met and totally want to be her when I grow up. Not only was she one of the most approachable authors I have ever met she was constantly interrupted by her “asshole” whistle because most people wanted to know why she wasn’t having her vibrator races. I could have just hung out with her the whole time. If you ever get the chance to meet Tara Sivec I guarantee you it will be a time you’ll never forget.
Third, I got to meet the very sweet Emma Chase. She was one of the most humble people I met. She really came across as very genuinely shocked by her popularity. It was a real pleasure talking with her and hearing about her inspiration for Drew and his boys.
Eye Candy:
A couple of the authors brought their cover models. Of course being the healthy woman I am I had to stop by and meet both the author and the cover model. Now, some of the fans took it a bit far and I saw one too many women pawing at these poor guys. Oh believe me I wanted to but by the time I got to see them I kinda felt bad they were being so “woman-handled”. 🙂
T.H Snyder who is an author who keeps popping up on my TBR list. She is the author of the Cursed series. Believe me when I say you will know you have seen these books just by the cover models…whoa baby! The only book currently out is Cursed Love which I will be getting to in the very near future. T.H Snyder brought the cover model for her third book in this series, Cursed Fate. The very sexy cover model was Joey Skundrich.
M.R Joseph is the other author who brought along her cover model. She is another one who has been popping up on my TBR list. She is the author of the Sandy Cove and Reunion Series’. Her cover model was Reuben Ordonza.
TBR and New Authors:
Not only did I have some great fangirl moments and some wonderful eye candy, I also got to see and meet some really great authors I’ve been wanting to read.
Toni Aleo writes the Assassins series. This has been one I’ve been wanting to read since I’ve done a cover reveal for her before. She was a lot of fun to talk to and I got a chance to learn more about her books. Of course I had to buy one and it is one that I will be reading pretty soon.
I also met Carey Heywood. She and I talked for quite a while. We shared a lot of fun stories about our kids and her books. She is another author who has been popping up on my TBR list. Well now, I guess there is absolutely no excuse since I got her book, Him.
R.E Hunter I came across when I was browsing for another interesting new author. She was very sweet and she took me back by actually knowing my blog. I am not ashamed to say that she made my day by just saying that :). Her book Undone has now popped up on my TBR list and I will be picking it up in the near future (summer time).
It was a wonderful experience meeting all the authors I mentioned and even more (Amanda Maxlyn, Laura Kaye, Laurelin Page and Nikki Worrell to name a few) . I feel like I need to start a support group for addicts like myself who are addicted to autographed books and meeting really awesome authors. I would totally recommend going to a signing if you haven’t done so before. So, since I grabbed so much swag its only fair to share the wealth. I am going to giveaway 5 swag bags from authors at the Indies Invade Philly signing. All you have to do is go here:
Good luck to you all and I will share one last pic with you…here is Tara Sivec flipping the bird to another author who is trying to photobomb her pic.